Complex networks an algorithmic perspective

Complex networks an algorithmic perspectivecover image
Titre :Complex networks an algorithmic perspective
Type de document :text imprimé
Éditeur :----
Année de publication :----
Collection :----
Sous-collection :----
Importance :xxv, 294 pages
Présentation :illustrations
Format :24 cm
ISBN/ISSN/EAN :9781466571662
Prix :-----
Note générale :----
Langues :Anglais
Catégories :----
Index.décimal :----

Mots clés :

Ville d'édition :----
Résumé :Network science is an emerging field of study that encompasses mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. An important issue in the study of complex networks is to understand the collective behavior of the elements of these networks. Although the results from graph theory have proven to be powerful in investigating the structures of complex networks, there are few books on the algorithmic aspects of complex network analysis. Filling this need, this book supplies the basic theoretical algorithmic and graph theoretic knowledge needed by every researcher of complex networks--

Exemplaires :

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